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The year 2021


Amounts in NOK millionsNote20212020
Operating revenue and operating expenses
Gaming revenue143 74142 594
Other operating revenue 34
Total operating revenue43 74542 598
Prizes35 07334 083
Sales commissions475520
Payroll expenses2453422
Depreciation of fixed assets and intangible assets310595
Other operating expenses2, 41 3491 319
Total operating expenses37 45336 440
Operating result6 2916 158
Financial income and expenses
Other financial income 551729
Other financial expenses52221
Result of financial items-59
Ordinary result before tax6 2866 167
Ordinary result 6 2866 167
Annual result126 2866 167
The Tippenøkkelen fixed distribution formula5 4975 393
The Grassroots Share 737717
The Bingo Operators’ surplus funds for good causes3640
Measures against gaming addiction 1717
Total transfers6 2866 167