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The year 2021

Overskuddsutdeling Norsk Tipping 1948 – 2021

Amounts in NOK millions20212020
Operation of installations and equipment445424
Costs relating to the Norwegian Gambling and Foundation Authority4442
Consultancy services and fees121104
Distribution and shipping costs 3844
Printed matter and office supplies2829
TV production3230
Other expenses 6852
Sponsorship and promotion118132
ID and payment solutions 193185
Total other operating expenses1 3491 319

Prisjustert til 2021-verdi i NOK milliarder: 183,5

Omregningskurser = Norges Banks årssnitt for 2021
EURO 1,00 = NOK 10,1648
USD 1,00 = NOK 8,5991

1) Tidligere ExtraStiftelsen Helse og Rehabilitering
2) Samfunnsnyttige og humanitære organisasjoner, samt øvrige mindre formål.