Amounts in NOK millions | 2021 | 2020 |
Operation of installations and equipment | 445 | 424 |
Telecommunications | 53 | 56 |
Advertising | 209 | 222 |
Costs relating to the Norwegian Gambling and Foundation Authority | 44 | 42 |
Consultancy services and fees | 121 | 104 |
Distribution and shipping costs | 38 | 44 |
Printed matter and office supplies | 28 | 29 |
TV production | 32 | 30 |
Other expenses | 68 | 52 |
Sponsorship and promotion | 118 | 132 |
ID and payment solutions | 193 | 185 |
Total other operating expenses | 1 349 | 1 319 |
Prisjustert til 2021-verdi i NOK milliarder: 183,5
Omregningskurser = Norges Banks årssnitt for 2021
EURO 1,00 = NOK 10,1648
USD 1,00 = NOK 8,5991
1) Tidligere ExtraStiftelsen Helse og Rehabilitering
2) Samfunnsnyttige og humanitære organisasjoner, samt øvrige mindre formål.